Cat Stansberry


Cat Stansberry is a senior at Western State College in Gunnison, CO majoring in creative writing with a minor in journalism. 

Stansberry is currently the entertainment editor and one of the copy editors of the WSC newspaper The Top O’ The World. Upon completion of her undergraduate degree in December 2009, Stansberry hopes to attend graduate school either at the University of California at Berkley to acquire her doctorate degree in English, or the University of Texas to receive her Masters in the same field of study.



Stansberry hopes to complete her career goal of becoming a novelist, penning formula fiction for a living. In the process of breaking into the publishing world, she will hopefully employ the skills gained from her journalism minor by working for a major newspaper or magazine.



A lover of film, television, and pop culture all her life, Stansberry hopes to find journalism opportunities in this field. Publications she is interested in include Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair, People, Vogue, Entertainment Weekly, and other similarly related magazines.



Born in Houston, Texas in 1983, Stansberry resided in the Houston area for most of her life until moving to Colorado for school in 2007. Her hobbies include watching movies, spending time with friends and family, and reading as many books as she can get her hands on.



Right now Stansberry is busy completing school, enjoying learning how to blog for journalism classes and finishing up her English senior seminar on fragments.



Come see Stansberry live Thursday, April 23 at the Gunnison Arts Center as a part of the Senior Seminar final performance. The event starts at 7 p.m. and is free to the public.

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