Extreme Winter Blues

Anyone who may be feeling a bit glum about yet another extreme Gunnison winter should hopefully find a slice of comfort in knowing that you are most certainly not alone. Days cut short by long winter nights can be especially loathsome in a sometimes lonely and isolated mountain town, particularly in contrast to the 9 p.m. sunsets grown accustomed to over brief summer months. Living in a place both critically dependent on and geographically close to the sun, it should come as no surprise that many local residents may find the bitter chill of winter all but welcome.

Often described as “winter” or “seasonal blues,” feeling down over the long winter nights filled with the sting of frozen silence is an issue that has grabbed the attention of researchers stretching across the globe. Many conclude that the most effective ways of combating the winter blues are soaking up as much sun as possible, increasing omega 3 intake, and of course, getting enough exercise stimulation.

In a recent article aptly titled “Hibernation Blues,” Timothy Egan offers a few unconventional methods for beating seasonal depression. According to Egan, there are plenty  things going on which hold the potential to spark excitement and enthusiasm despite the harshness of on-going winter conditions. Egan is eager to remind readers that spring is indeed right around the seasonal corner, and the anticipation of spring is often linked to celebrations of rebirth and renewal. Eagan also encourages Americans everywhere to tap into the excitement of current political reform. Regardless of how any particular presidential vote may have been cast, Egan writes that it is hard to deny the hope and excitement of our new political climate.

In another recent article, “Beating the Winter Blues,” keeping tabs on winter health falls to more traditional remedies such as sticking to a regular sleep schedule and indulging in the occasional massage therapy session. This article also paid tribute to the sunlamp stating that, adding a sunlamp of small natural light source to your office or room can work wonders for your skin and general outlook.”

So, instead of closing the blinds and pumping up the heat, strap on your gortex footwear and forge a path the winter health. The best thing any of us can do for our own level of personal misery is to take charge of our own outlook and attitude about life in general. We are each responsible for our individual reactions and interactions with the world around us – no matter what personal weather preferences may happen to stand in the way.