Cassie Mielke


Cassie Mielke is a Journalism and English student at Western State College. She is currently a junior and has two years writing experience with the school newspaper The Top O’ the World. She will be serving as the editor-in-chief next year and has many goals about what to do with the paper. She is also part of other extra-curricular activities, such as intramural sports, clubs and community service events.

As a Journalism student, Cassie hopes to hone her skills in the journalistic writing sense. She hopes to one day write for a major magazine such as Sports Illustrated or National Geographic. As a someone aspiring to large goals, she sets a standard in her everyday school life. Her GPA is 3.8 and she keeps her priorities straight. She is also very organized and committed.

In the future, Cassie will complete an internship that will help her towards her goal. She loves what she does and knows that Journalism is the life for her. She works hard, is organized and is responsible. As a student, she is still learning but feels she has already accomplished a lot.

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