Cheap Cheap Cheap

Make your pockets feel good

·        This story is targeted to college students at WSC, who do not live on campus. It would be published in Top O’ World or The Gunnison Times.

Congratulations, you’re out of the family home. No longer do you have to be nagged by your parents to do things or have to be home at a certain time. You are now a responsible adult. Hold up! Wait! That means having a job, keeping the house clean, paying the bills. Oh gosh the list could go on.

But don’t panic money gets tight at times but there is a way to save. Save on your grocery bill that is. The following “tips list” will help you save and eat right even when your money is tight.

10 Money Saving Tips:

1.       Make a list and stick to it– before you go shopping check your kitchen and write down what you need and do not buy anything that is not on your list. Of course unless it is a great sale and you know you will put the item to use.

2.       Become a member of the supermarkets discount club– Many stores have a discount club that you can enter. Both City Market and Safeway have discount clubs that are free to join. It usually takes about five minutes to fill out an application.

3.       Make sure you are not hungry– When you shop hungry you are more likely to buy impulse items.

4.       Use coupons– coupons help you save on all sorts of items. Check the Gunnison Times, The Shopper or go to the online web pages before going shopping

5.       Check top and bottom shelves– According to MSN Money, supermarkets position popular items between knee and shoulder height. The highest markup items are the ones at about chest level — to make it really easy for you to grab it and toss it in the cart.  So next time you go shopping bend your knees and also look above chest level.

6.       Cook from scratch- sometimes cooking from scratch is cheaper than buying pre-assembled or packaged meals.

7.       Keep left over’s- Store leftovers in the fridge or freezer and take to school and eat them for lunch.

8.       Buy generic brands- generic brands are generally cheaper than brand name food. Most the time they have the same ingredients, you are paying for the fancy packaging and the name.

9.       Do the math– Never assume that “sale” items are actually the best deal. Check out similar brands and compare size and/or weight to make sure you are getting the best “per unit” costs. This information can be found right on the price labels.

10.   Lastly review your receipt– many cashiers make mistakes and do not always give you the correct discounts so double check it and make sure you are not getting ripped off. Also keep the receipt and check for more discounts on the back.


Students Views on Shopping in Gunnison

            College students should know their local supermarkets and know where to go for those cheap deals. Daniel Hobin, WSC student says, “I always shop at City Market because of convenience, I don’t really look at prices because we are so limited here in Gunnison”. Amber Murrey, WSC junior states, “I just get what I need, I wish it was cheaper but I don’t have time to worry about that stuff”.

            By following the above “tips” to save money students will find a decrease in their grocery bill. The decrease may not be major but “every penny counts”.
