Summer Storage

by Tiffany Mitchell
As summer finally approaches, plans for self-storage may be the last thing to consider amid final exams, papers, graduation, and long awaited sunny days. But, lucky for WSC students, there are several options when it comes to summer storage. One business dedicated to providing students with affordable facilities is
Plotts Mini Storage in Gunnison. Phyllis, who owns and manages Plotts Mini Storage along with her husband, explained the company’s philosophy on renting to students for the summer months. “The man who originally built the units about twenty years ago built them with students in mind.” Phyllis went on to spell out the special rates offered to students looking to use the facility over the summer month. Plotts Mini Storage offers students free unit rental for the month of April as long as the student is able to pay for the months of May-August upfront. Units include: four-by-six feet for thirty-five dollars, four-by-eight-feet for forty dollars, and five-by-twelve feet for forty-five dollars.

Other facilities include Public Storage and CB Self Storage, both in Crested Butte, and Discount Storage in Gunnison. While some locations are less likely to have smaller units available, most do have some space up for rent, however limited.

Whatever option is taken, there are also U-Haul and Public Storage services available to students who may need assistance in moving belongings from one location to the next.